In this heartwarming episode of Stories from the River, host Charlie Malouf is joined by his mom, Salwa, and sister, Carmen, as they recount their experiences at the prestigious Furniture Industry Awards Gala. They retell the story of the surprise visit by Charlie's mom and how that came to fruition, including the experience at the airport when Charlie thought that he was only picking up his sister along with his Uncle Tommy Malouf who had flown in together from Tampa.
After the surprise pickup, the four of them made their way from the Charlotte airport with a first stop in Salisbury, North Carolina, where they visited one of Broad River Retail's newest stores (a two-in-one Ashley Store & Outlet) that opened in 2023. Following the Salisbury store visit and a quick lunch, they continued on to High Point, North Carolina, where they attended High Point Market.
In High Point Market, they primarily visited the Ashley Furniture showroom in the IHFC building. As they shopped the new introductions in the Ashley Furniture showroom in High Point, they got to meet Ashley Furniture executives including Ron Wanek, Todd Wanek, and even the 3rd generation of the Wanek family. They shared the story of how Ron Wanek presented Uncle Tommy with a touching silver dollar keepsake.
Following their adventure from High Point Market, they made their way to the Convention Center at High Point University. This is where the Furniture Industry Awards Gala would be hosted, and Broad River Retail would be recognized as the Retailer of the Year. They recounted the story of getting access to the green room where they could change and get ready prior to the cocktail hour and the start of the show.
The family discusses their time navigating the bustling event, sharing humorous and heartfelt moments, such as spending time in the luxurious green room and attending the cocktail reception. Throughout the episode, Carmen reflects on the valuable lessons learned from Charlie's long-standing involvement in the furniture industry, emphasizing the importance of hard work and dedication. Salwa expresses profound pride in Charlie’s achievements and the kindness extended by his colleagues and industry professionals, noting how the positive impact of Charlie's work was evident during the gala. The episode underscores the family’s appreciation for the strong support network around them and the seamless blend of business and personal connections they experienced at the event. Charlie concludes by inviting listeners to explore further episodes, preserving the family’s legacy and highlighting the admirable qualities of their Memory Makers.
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