Welcome back, welcome back. I hope you’re having a great day. The weather is gorgeous here right now. Spring is here! I’m going to get outside soon and take our dog, Lulu, for a walk. (Speaking of going on a walk, that’s when I listen to podcasts the most.)
I have a system for my mornings; I get up early, drink my coffee, think about what I will accomplish for the day (I write those things down in my planner/organizer). Speaking of planners, I love The Plan by Lauren Truslow. It’s a planner but it also has to do list, self-care schedule, even healthy recipes plus inspirational quotes. It’s the best one I’ve found to keep me on track.
I then either take Lulu out for a walk or I hit the gym. Any way I look at it, I have a morning routine or system that keeps me on track for reaching my goals, which by the way is to add more muscle and to do that I follow a system that I know works. This episode isn’t about my workout or muscle building goals it’s really about systems.
We have systems for all kinds of things when you really think about it. So why wouldn’t you have systems when it comes to your direct sales or social selling business?
Systems for how you work your business. Systems for how you share your items with your customers. Systems for onboarding new reps. I mean when I started my job, there was an orientation I had to go through aka a system for learning how things work around here.
Systems really are important. They are your blueprint to navigating your path to reach your goals. When you follow your system, you’re taking the necessary actions on moving your business forward. Let’s look at systems for sharing your products and services with your audience and potential customers.
Now each company is going to do it differently right? And each rep is going to do it differently too. What is most important is that you do it in the way that feels authentic and congruent to you.
System #1 - Sharing your products/services with your customers.What is your system for when you have a new product or service? Or even when you want to share something that is a big seller for your customers. What does your system look like? A lot depends on where your customers are. Yes, you can share in your Facebook group but not everyone is going to see your post because well, there’s a lot of things going on Facebook. It’s like distraction city over there some days.
Maybe your system isn’t always just posting to Facebook and hoping and praying your customers see it. I’ve seen many reps get frustrated and they end up quitting the business because they don’t think outside of the system of sharing to their Facebook group. Look to grow your business and get more sales, you need to do other things besides post in your fb group.
I share with my VIP group, but I also share via text messaging. I send emails and I also go live. Now, I know this can sound like a lot but like I said systems are everything.
When it comes to Facebook, I've played around with different times of the day. Our products release at the same time and day each week so I’ve worked to train my group to know the items are coming out.
When it comes to texting, I've played around with different times of the day, and it’s been hard to pinpoint the best time to text. I thought it would be evening but I can see my stats are lower when I text in the evening, so I’ve been texting around lunchtime. My guess is that people have some downtime from work, and they are on their phones. Evening hours may be tough because of a variety of things, like making dinner, kids are home, if they’re like me I tend to put my phone up in the evening.
Email is similar but I find my open rates are better in the morning. It’s a habit for people to check their emails first thing in the morning so I...