Kathryn interviews Author and Speaker TJ Woodward.In a world where division and uncertainty are prevalent, the need for genuine connection has never been more critical. But how can we remain connected when opinions diverge and times are unpredictable? The answer lies in cultivating curiosity by “Living in the Question,” according to TJ Woodward. This concept is a practice that encourages authenticity and greater connection by embracing uncertainty and openness. He encourages us to ask questions, rather than seeking immediate answers and avoid the “I am right” trap. He is a bestselling author, inspirational speaker, and revolutionary recovery expert who has helped countless people through his simple, yet powerful teachings. TJ is a featured thought-leader on WholeHearted.org along with Brené Brown, Marianne Williamson, Dr. Gabor Maté, and Mark Lundholm.Kathryn also interviews Author Janeen Golightly.The choice to divorce is a difficult one and can leave you with so many questions. It’s easy to get lost in the process of making the final decision. Janeen Golightly is not your average author writing on the topic of divorce. She doesn’t have a degree in family relations and she’s not a therapist or a marriage counselor. However, she is extremely relatable as a regular, healthy, happy woman who’s had a successful career in broadcast and marketing - and who happens to have suffered through all of the implications (both real and perceived) of living life during and after divorce. She shares with us her 30-day plan with actions to take every single day and shares insight on the issues you should not stick around and work through. She is a Marketing Consultant for KUTV, the CBS affiliate in Salt Lake City, Utah.