In this heartwarming episode of Runnah, I sit down with Maggie and Bob Yates, two local legends who prove that running is for everyone—at any pace and any age. Known for their unwavering commitment to inclusivity and community, Maggie and Bob share their philosophy on what makes running so special: ensuring no one is left behind.
Maggie, often the last to cross the finish line, does so intentionally to make sure every runner feels supported and celebrated. Together, this dynamic duo radiates positivity, showing that running is about more than speed—it's about connection, kindness, and having fun. Whether you're a seasoned marathoner or a first-time participant, their story will inspire you to see running through a whole new lens.
Got thoughts or want to connect? Email me at runnahpod@gmail.com or follow along on Instagram and TikTok at @runnahpod. I’d love to hear your takeaways and see how Maggie and Bob’s story inspires your own running journey!