
  • Events | Restoring American Wellness: How Can Policy Help Make America Healthy Again?

    The growing coalition of Americans concerned about our country’s health presents a unique opportunity to confront the misalignment between our medical, health, agricultural systems, and the American people. A critical examination of corporate influence, government regulatory agencies, and the pharmaceutical industry reveals systemic issues contributing to our country’s health crisis.
    Join us for an in-depth discussion of these critical issues as experts explore the origin of these challenges, the failed role of our public health systems, and the need for a comprehensive bipartisan effort to restore the good life and help Americans live the healthy life again.


    Keynote Remarks

    • Kevin Roberts, Ph.D., President, The Heritage Foundation

    Panel I: Failures of our Public Health Institutions

    • The Hon. Ron Johnson (R-WI), Senator, U.S. Senate
    • Martin Kulldorff, Epidemiologist
    • Robert Redfield, Former Director of the CDC
    • Roger Severino, Vice President, Domestic Policy, The Heritage Foundation (moderator)

    Panel II: Food, Drugs, and America's Chronic Disease Epidemic

    • Tammy Born Huizenga, Owner and Operator of Born Clinic, Board-Certified Family Medicine Physician
    • Calley Means, Founder of Truemed and Co-Author of Good Energy
    • Nina Teicholz, Investigative Science Journalist, Author, and Founder of the Nutrition Coalition
    • Jay Richards, Director, Richard and Helen DeVos Center for Life, Religion, and Family, The Heritage Foundation (moderator)

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    1 時間 49 分
  • The Power Hour | Saving Lives with Nuclear Technology with Matt Sanford and Michael Hoehn

    The Power Hour is a weekly podcast that discusses the most interesting energy and environmental policy issues of the day with top national experts. Join Jack and his guests today for an extremely interesting and informative conversation about a part of the nuclear industry that you might not know about: medical and industrial isotopes. The United States once led the world in the production of these critical elements but has fallen way behind in recent decades. Our guests today not only have kept the U.S. on the map with these life saving technologies but are working towards making the U.S. a leader once again. Matt Sanford is the executive director at the University of Missouri Research Reactor and Michael Hoehn is the program director for the NextGen MURR. In a nutshell, Matt oversees the production of life saving medical isotopes and other important industrial isotopes at the University of Missouri and Michael is in charge of getting a new reactor built to expand that capacity. This is important work on it own, but that the University of Missouri is one of an handful of labs in the U.S. doing this work makes their work critical. You will learn how these isotopes are produced, distributed and used in this podcast. Our promise to you is that you will be smarter after listening to this one. One more thing. Jack has a new book out called Nuclear Revolution, which you can get here here. If you want to be the smartest person at the dinner party and put those anti-nuclear people in their place, you want Nuclear Revolution . Join the conversation at thepowerhour@heritage.org! Thank you for listening and please don’t forget to subscribe and help us to spread the word. And buy the book!

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  • The Power Hour | The Power of Free Enterprise and the Promise of Nuclear Energy with Sean Lawrie, Chief Strategy Officer at Lumerra

    The Power Hour is a weekly podcast that discusses the most interesting energy and environmental policy issues of the day with top national experts. Today’s guest is Sean Lawrie, Chief Strategy Office, Lumerra Corporation. If you like the perspective brought to you by the Power Hour, then you are going to love this conversation. Sean knows nuclear power and the energy sector and he is using the experience to bring greater efficiency to nuclear operations. No energy source will be successful if it is not economically competitive but with Sean working on the issue, the future of nuclear looks very bright. You will want to tune if to hear his fresh perspective. Oh, and did I mention that you can grab your copy of Nuclear Revolution here. If it’s the thought that counts, Nuclear Revolution the holiday gift that won’t disappoint. Join the conversation at thepowerhour@heritage.org! Thank you for listening and please don’t forget to subscribe and help us to spread the word. And buy the book!

    Listen to other Heritage podcasts: https://www.heritage.org/podcasts

    Sign up for The Agenda newsletter — the lowdown on top issues conservatives need to know about each week: https://www.heritage.org/agenda

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  • Events | Digital Tools for Modernizing the Federal Permitting Process

    On July 17, 2024, the White House Council on Environmental Quality released a landmark report on new digital tools for modernizing infrastructure permitting and environmental review. The report, which was mandated by the Fiscal Responsibility Act, builds on efforts of the Trump administration to modernize permitting under the National Environmental Policy Act. The report tackles the obstacles created by the lack of transparency in the federal permitting process which needlessly increases the risk to investors while obscuring accountability in the democratic process.
    Harmonizing and expanding data collection by agencies and making that data publicly accessible in a central repository has been a bipartisan commitment of Congress and presidents going back to the administration of George W. Bush. This report is an important step forward in that effort.
    During this event, our panel of experts will expound on the necessity of these changes, what the new digital tools add to the permitting process, and what we can expect from the permitting process going forward.

    Listen to other Heritage podcasts: https://www.heritage.org/podcasts

    Sign up for The Agenda newsletter — the lowdown on top issues conservatives need to know about each week: https://www.heritage.org/agenda

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    1 時間 35 分
  • Events | The American Family in the Crosshairs: How Do Parents Fight Back?

    Panel I

    • Vernadette Broyles, President and General Counsel, Child and Parental Rights Campaign
    • Erin Hawley, Senior Counsel, Vice President of the Center for Life & Regulatory Practice, Alliance Defending Freedom
    • Kim Hermann, Executive Director, Southeastern Legal Foundation

    Panel II

    • Tiffany Justice, Co-Founder, Moms for Liberty
    • Melissa Moschella, Professor, University of Notre Dame Law School
    • Michael Ramey, President, Parental Rights Foundation

    Hosted by

    • Sarah Parshall Perry, Senior Legal Fellow, Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies, The Heritage Foundation

    From curriculum to school administration, gender affirming medicine to privacy, and opt-out rights to school surveys, parental rights are increasingly under attack. But what has the United States Supreme Court said about the nature of parental rights, and what do those rights include? What about statutory laws that directly impact the rights of parents of minor children—can they serve to shore up parental rights while the Supreme Court remains silent on the issue, as it has for 24 years and counting? Can a combination of litigation and legislation further strengthen the rights of parents to direct the care, upbringing, and education of their children?
    Join Heritage Foundation Senior Legal Fellow Sarah Parshall Perry and two panels of experts in family law and public policy as they provide answers to these questions and more during a half-day symposium on the American family in the crosshairs.

    Listen to other Heritage podcasts: https://www.heritage.org/podcasts

    Sign up for The Agenda newsletter — the lowdown on top issues conservatives need to know about each week: https://www.heritage.org/agenda

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    1 時間 59 分
  • Events | The Implications of an Iranian Nuclear Bomb

    The United States is at a critical juncture. As Iran is inching closer to developing a nuclear weapon, it is imperative that we and our partners are prepared for the consequences. The U.S. does not want a war in the Middle East, but we also cannot afford to accept a nuclear-armed Iran. The nature of the Iranian regime, driven by its ideological goals, could cause Iran’s behavior to be more unpredictable and dangerous than the behavior of other states with nuclear capabilities.
    The United States must equip and empower our regional partners and allies to confront Iran, use our diplomatic and economic levers to put pressure on the Iranian regime, and, if necessary, develop and maintain the capabilities needed to destroy Iran’s nuclear facilities.

    Listen to more Heritage podcasts: https://www.heritage.org/podcasts

    Sign up for The Agenda newsletter — the lowdown on top issues conservatives need to know about each week: https://www.heritage.org/agenda

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    1 時間 13 分
  • Events | Nuclear Revolution: Powering the Next Generation

    Nuclear energy is enjoying a moment, and it is no wonder why. The United States is facing unprecedented growth in energy demand at the same time warnings are emerging around electrical grid reliability. Meanwhile, policy choices limit how power producers can meet this growing demand. Nuclear energy may be the only way to resolve this fast-approaching conundrum.
    With new nuclear projects being announced almost daily and shuttered reactors being reopened, it almost seems as if the challenges facing nuclear power in recent decades have somehow vanished. But have they?
    Please join us for this special event where Jack Spencer will be discussing his new book, Nuclear Revolution: Powering the Next Generation, in which he argues that for nuclear energy to meet America’s growing energy demand, we need to think beyond a nuclear renaissance and towards a nuclear revolution; a revolution animated by the American spirit, molded by free enterprise, and delivered by the private sector.

    Listen to more Heritage podcasts: https://www.heritage.org/podcasts

    Sign up for The Agenda newsletter — the lowdown on top issues conservatives need to know about each week: https://www.heritage.org/agenda

    Listen to podcasts from The Daily Signal: https://www.dailysignal.com/podcasts/

    Get daily conservative news you can trust from our Morning Bell newsletter:

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    1 時間 13 分
  • The Power Hour | The Macro Promise of Micro Reactors with NANO Nuclear Energy CEO, James Walker

    The Power Hour is a weekly podcast that discusses the most interesting energy and environmental policy issues of the day with top national experts. Jack invites NANO Nuclear Energy’s CEO, James Walker to the Power Hour for this episode. We know that we’ve been talking a lot of nuclear energy lately, so if you enjoy that, you will enjoy this. But this conversation is more than just a couple of dude’s talking nuclear. James has a very unique perspective on nuclear and his company’s technology is different from what we’ve talked about in the past. Whether you are in to nuclear energy or not, you don’t want to miss this fascinating conversation. And don’t forget to pick up your copy of Nuclear Revolution, Jack’s brand new, and some even say “ground breaking” book. Rather than night time reading, we recommend reading a chapter first thing in the morning to really get you going. Grab your copy of Nuclear Revolution here. Join the conversation at thepowerhour@heritage.org! Thank you for listening and please don’t forget to subscribe and help us to spread the word.

    Listen to more Heritage podcasts: https://www.heritage.org/podcasts

    Sign up for The Agenda newsletter — the lowdown on top issues conservatives need to know about each week: https://www.heritage.org/agenda

    Listen to podcasts from The Daily Signal: https://www.dailysignal.com/podcasts

    Get daily conservative news you can trust from our Morning Bell newsletter: DailySignal.com/morningbellsubscription

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