Here are the four aspects of getting paid for what you know:
⚜️ A = Architect your framework
🖥️ B = Build your home base
📣 C = Communicate regularly
💰D = Deliver your core products & programs
In this talk, we’ll tackle the first…
Remember: You don’t just share information, you lead people towards a transformation.
This transformation might be:
👉 An elusive result / goal (i.e., losing weight)
👉 A new skill (playing guitar, photography)
👉 An internal transformation (mental or emotional healing + health)
👉 Perspective to live differently (life after death or divorce)
👉 New habits, new way of living (time management, money management / budgeting)
👉 Increased knowledge, accelerate the learning curve (i.e., most of the Amplify resources)
*The above are just a few examples. Bottom line: you are NOT selling info. People can find anything they want to know on Google. You are selling information that does something profound.
Your framework, wherever your framework takes people, MUST include each of the following:
🏁 POTENTIAL = The destination, a clearly defined place you take people
⁉️ PROBLEM you solve, the thing keeping them back
🧭 PATH to move them from where they are now to that preferred location (their potential)
📌 PROGRESS POINTS along the path, so show them that they are making progress. These need to be objective in nature, so people clearly know when they have made significant movement.
💩You might also clarify the PIT(S) = stuck points that they will likely face— just so they know to expect them and move forward.
One you have clarified (at least) the list above, you have the outline you need for a book, a course, coaching, a podcast, blog… live events…
… this content can be packaged in numerous ways.
Lean in closer and listen.
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