Did you know that your mind affects everything you do, feel, and say? Our emotions are seeded in our mind and if we don’t have proper emotional Intelligence, our emotions can often dictate our behavior and stunt our Genius growth. In this episode, Regina shares what Emotional Intelligence is and gives practical tips and strategies you can use to upgrade your Emotional Intelligence and enhance your Genius.
- Your mind is not your brain. The mind uses the brain but the brain responds to the mind.
- Our emotions are seeded in the mind.
- When multiple things vie for our attention, we tend to react out of anxiety instead of peace. Peace is a byproduct of healthy emotional intelligence.
- Cultivate permanent shifts in your thinking, feeling, and choice making as a path to creating an emotionally intelligent culture in relationships with others and yourself.
- An EQ upgrade begins WITHIN.
- Keys to a Healthy EQ:
- Awareness - Be aware and then even more aware. Ask: How am I doing really? What do I feel like right now? Do I know what I need in this moment?
- Pay attention to your body.
- Face your emotions
- Remember you have the POWER to press pause.
- ReSET: (Silence, Encouragement, Time for Movement)
- Time is meant to SERVE YOU.
Connect with Regina L. Henry
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/regina.l.henry3
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/regina.l.henry/
Website: https://www.reginalhenry.com/
Email: hello@reginalhenry.com