Larry Wilson, a seasoned veteran of the show business world, has carved a niche in examining the intricate ties between language and power through his work, notably as the host of the podcast "How to Talk to Humans." He believes that language is a potent tool that can be wielded to manipulate and influence people, drawing attention to both intentional and organic evolutions of English as it adapts to cultural and societal shifts. Frequently referencing George Orwell's "1984," Wilson warns of the potential dangers inherent in the manipulation of language, underscoring its capacity to shape thoughts and societal structures. By advocating for semiotic communication and a clearer understanding of the symbols underlying our interactions, Wilson champions individual autonomy and the critical importance of effective communication in nurturing authentic human connections.
(00:01:23) Dynamic Evolution of English Language Shapes Culture
(00:09:13) Manipulation and Deception Through Language
(00:12:54) Manipulation and Suppression Through Controlled Language
(00:20:34) Language Evolution Shaping Cultural Norms and Values
Hosted by Larry Wilson
Produced by: Verbal Ninja Productions
Producer: R. Scott Edwards
Sponsored by: The Wilson Method
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