Louise and Adam discuss how difficult navigating Christmas is when you are questioning, leaving or have just left Jehovah's Witnesses. They have some suggestions for navigating the guilt and awkwardness, picking and choosing the bits you like or doing something completely different. Adam reviews the history of Christmas within the Jehovah's Witnesses and how the doctrine has changed over time. We also find out what Adam did with his Advent Cheese.
Adam discusses a recent Letter to Congregations regarding defibrillators.
You can contact us at: askingforafriendquestions@outlook.com Your anonymity will be respected. We would love to hear any questions, comments or personal stories.
Here is a link to the Elders Textbook Adam discusses in the show: https://avoidjw.org/manuals/elders-textbooks/
Music: 'You're Not Who You Say You Are' by Ancient Modesto, Written by Simon Endeacott, Produced by Ian David c Four Monkeys Records