What makes a therapy controversial? (Part 1)
On our last podcast episode “how to ask for a second opinion” I mentioned a therapy we tried when our son was younger, saying I wished I had done more research and asked for second opinions from our medical team. This brought about more questions and conversation about all the therapies available and families wanting to know, what does the research say?
I ask Dayna, why are there controversial therapies out there available to families and why are they considered to be controversial? We start with covering off Vojta and Bobath (Neurodevelopmental treatment - NDT).
Dayna explained how the controversy around these therapies came from the mix of new knowledge and old knowledge and how it all came about with the best intentions.
Dayna also discussed Bobath therapy (NDT) and how instrumental the Bobaths were in helping understand cerebral palsy. Dayna was a Bobath practitioner and can look at it herself and acknowledge that she didn't see the outcomes she had hoped for and can understand why it is now below the “worth it line”.
All this to say, this is why continuing to research and staying up to date on research outcomes is so important as a duty of care in the role of an allied health professional.
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