I lived to podcast another day! There may or may not have been an outburst of crying during the VNG test, but I made it through and am overjoyed that it’s now in the rear-view mirror.
I recorded this podcast episode to share what the VNG and VEMP tests involve, providing details for anyone seeking information about what to expect during these procedures.
My tests revealed that my right peripheral vestibular system is significantly weaker (61%) than my left.
So, you’re saying it’s not all in my head, doc?!
What does this mean? It adds another layer of confusion, to be honest. My symptoms began the day I had my stroke which implies central vestibular disfunction (in the part of the brain that controls balance.) These tests imply a peripheral vestibular weakness (in the part of the ears that controls balance), specifically vestibular neuritis. Either way I’m broken, there’s no cure, and the treatment is vestibular therapy which I already tried.
Sooooo, I’m gonna go eat some grape Now and Laters…that’ll fix EVERYTHING!
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#VNGTest #VEMPTest #VestibularDisorder #StrokeRecovery #BalanceIssues #VestibularNeuritis #ChronicIllness #HealthJourney #VestibularTherapy #BrainAndEarHealth