I wanted to pull this band-aid off earlier than later, but as in all businesses, things can get negative and vicious. The wedding industry is no different. Here, we take a quick dive into the no-nos of the industry and how we can avoid the pitfalls so that we, as a day-of wedding team can maximize our talents and truly come through for an amazing showing.
1-The cardinal sins of the Pro
2-How to avoid negativity
3-How to clear up any negativity
4-Vendor Focus: Englands Catering and Everything Photography OKC
5-Email address for comments, ideas, and input on the show (this is OUR show, not just mine!)
email: complicatedlysimple1978@gmail.com
6-Ideas for podcast diversity
7-My wife might hit me in my sleep.
Music credit: Unwind Station (find them on Youtube and enjoy!!!)