Need I say more?
I mentioned someone I know who works in actual anti-trafficking efforts, and I want to include the link to her website that contains resources, among many other things. If you're able to support her in any way, please do so! That includes helping to push her content on social media!
The Baby WhispHerer
The WhispHering Queen on TikTok
The Baby WhispHerer Website with Resources
Baby WhispHerer Ca$hApp Handle: WhispHerifyouhearme4
(Please note the placement of the letter "H" in the Ca$hApp handle!)
And as usual, below is my LinkTree! Follow me on social media, subscribe to my Patreon, hear my guest spots on other podcasts, and much more!
Cassandra's LinkTree
#victimblaming #decolonize #decolonization #antiestablishment #capitalism #poverty #traumahealing #lgbtqia #interpersonaltrauma #childhoodtrauma #systemicoppression #homelessness #homeless #mormons #exmo #exvangelical #religioustrauma