The third episode takes us to cocoa, cafe and honey producers in Africa and Latin America. It gives us the opportunity to talk to one of the representatives of a network of producers' and workers' organisations promoting the values of Fair Trade in Latin America and the Caribbean. For us, it was important to give a voice to those who are at the beginning of the production chain and therefore best placed to describe their working conditions, but also the visible and invisible impacts of climate change and deforestation. We understand the importance of setting a remunerative price for producers so that they can continue to live from their activity and work in good conditions. They also agreed to give us their views on the Commission's proposed regulation on deforestation. Thus, we see how this proposal is perceived and what are the expectations of producers.
Special thanks to Ms Ana Sayago, Mr Javier Aliaga Lordemann and Mr Yeo Moussa for their availability, interest in our project and willingness to answer our questions. Yeo was interviewed on the 29th of March 2022 by Pierre. Javier was interviewed on the 30th of March 2022 by Carole and Maud. Ana was interviewed on the 5th of May 2022 by Carlos and Eva.
Special thanks to José Luis and Patrick Veillard for sharing with us their contacts of inspiring experiences in Latin America and their advice for the production of this episode.
Podcast realised within the framework of the Young Fair Trade Advocates, organised by the Fair Trade Advocacy Office with the support of the EU-WISE Young Citizens Project (ERASMUS+). Special thanks to Didier Reynaud, Charlotte Vernier and Paola Plaku who helped and supported us along the way.
Mastering: Both Nomads
Here are where to find them on social networks:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/storiesglobal
Instagram: https://instagram.com/both_nomads?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
In the Jingle: Amazonia Jungle Ambience - Birds and other Animal Sound effects by Ambient Sound Library
In the episode: In the forest - Ambient Acoustic Guitar Instrumental Background Music For Videos: Music by Oleksii Kaplunsky from Pixabay.
Picture: Cacao, Image by Jeser Andrade Arango from Pixabay.