In this episode we talk about stuff (of course), unseen eventualities, nude beaches, burning man, and brazen animals- enjoy:)
What can I say, this talk recorded live on Sept 4, 2023 on the clubhouse app was a fun ride filled with adventure, laughter, and insights aplenty.
Highlights include talking about hoarding v. letting go, having the correct tools for the job, being prepared for the adventures we set out on, peer pressure to get naked, flooding man- I mean burning man, leaving no trace here or there, and squirrels (and deer) gone ‘tame.’
These talks are recorded live on the clubhouse app monday 6p pacific usa time- join us to listen live and add your own voice if you are brave enough :)
Thank you so much to those who contribute and listen in and share these talks, it’s an honor to make these memories with you.
See you around saints, kolee & krew
pic of kolee's summer 2020 covid compound on the 'boarder-lands' of Missouri and Arkansas
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