This week it's book launch replay week, "Through Autistic Eyes" by Nicky Collins has now been unleashed upon the world and the early feedback is great. This week's show is all about the book, it's the live recording of the launch
Read about it on the podcast here https://www.theautismcoach.co.uk/blog/through-autistic-eyes This is not a transcript
Topics discussed: Plenty of questions answered by author Nicky Collins A live reading from the book It's all about the book and the incredible people who have shared their journeys and allowed me and trusted me to write them up for them
Links mentioned in this episode: Kindle version https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0BM9Z5B8Z/ref=sr_1_2?keywords=through+autistic+eyes+nicky+collins&qid=1668503540&sprefix=through+autistic%2Caps%2C113&sr=8-2
Video Re-play https://youtu.be/REHSlB5xkD0
Please forward your questions to me via the contact form on the home page of the website www.theautismcoach.co.uk
This podcast is hosted by ZenCast.fm