Is it wrong to make up stories about silly gunfights fifty years ago while authoritarian figures are taking power and civilians are getting massacred as we speak? That’s the dilemma Falk has to solve, in the middle of a gunfight!
The Hapless Hack of Gazpacho Gulch, episode 119 of This Gun in My Hand, was rustled up and branded with innuendo by Rob Northrup. This episode and all others are available on Youtube with automatically-generated closed captions of dialog. Visit for credits, show notes, archives, and to buy my books, such as Sisyphus, Eat Your Heart Out, available in paperback and ebook from Amazon. (But wait until the strike's over to order it.) What helps me escape from my neighbor’s basement? This Gun in My Hand!
Show Notes:
1. Getting a story accepted by an editor who was then fired, and getting it rejected by his replacement, was based on something that happened to my favorite creative writing professor, the late Dr. Gilbert Cross. The editor who liked his stuff published three of his spy novels under the name “Jon Winters” in the late 70s and early 80s, before getting replaced by an editor who didn’t like them.
The opening music was from The Sun Sets at Dawn (1950), and the closing music was from Killer Bait (1949), both films in the public domain. Most of the music and sound effects used in the episode are modified or incomplete versions of the originals.
Sound Effect Title: 38 Caliber Gun Shot 5x
Recorded by Mike Koenig
License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
Sound Effect Title: Real Colt 45 M1911 (shot)
By Carmelomike
License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
Sound Effect Title: Gun Fire
By GoodSoundForYou
License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
Sound Effect Title: footsteps cellar.wav
License: Public Domain
Sound Effect Title: Kicking/Forcing/Breaking Wooden Door
License: Public Domain
Sound Effect Title: Plywood_Prying_01.wav
By dheming
License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Sound Effect Title: door wood hit +window rattle slam bang various.wav
License: Public Domain
Sound Effect Title: Crash
License: Public Domain
Sound Effect Title: S10-19 Falling wooden beam; big interior crash; house collapses; long.wav
License: Public Domain
The image accompanying this episode is a modified detail of an interior illustration from Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine, Vol. CLXXIV No. 2 (June 3, 1939), public domain, artist unknown.