If ever there were a moment for Mind Witchery, it’s now, because how we think influences how we feel and how we act. We hope this episode will meet you where you are, and help you step fully into power and purpose as you choose where and how to proceed through this incredibly challenging time.
Lots of inspiration available here:
Pod Save America, “Making Sense of Trump’s Win” https://crooked.com/podcast/making-sense-of-trumps-win/
Assembly Required With Stacey Abrams, “Stacey’s Post-Election Message and The Power of Music” https://crooked.com/podcast/staceys-post-election-message-and-the-power-of-music/
Vice President Harris’ concession speech: https://www.c-span.org/video/?539843-1/vice-president-kamala-harris-concession-speech
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. "Loving Your Enemies," Sermon Delivered at Dexter Avenue Baptist Church https://kinginstitute.stanford.edu/king-papers/documents/loving-your-enemies-sermon-delivered-dexter-avenue-baptist-church
It's All Magic: 365 Reflections on Astrology, Tarot, and Manifestation, by Aliza Kelly https://linktr.ee/allmagic365