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Change compels us to leave the safety of our comfort zones and step into a reality we may not yet fully understand. As humans living our earthly lives, we often cling to the familiar. We lean on crutches that help us navigate our days, finding reasons to resist change and avoid taking bold steps forward.
This reluctance is no different in the spiritual realm. What if I undertake this inner work? What if I elevate my vibration? What will be left to lean on when I let go of what I’ve always known?
The answer is simple yet profound: nothing—because you’ll no longer need anything to fall back on. Like a snake shedding its skin, you’ll emerge refreshed and ready for the next cycle of your life. Letting go isn’t a loss; it’s an opening for renewal. When we pause too long in retrospection, we invite fear and procrastination to take root.
This week, challenge yourself to transform your words. Think about the language you use, and explore how you can recast the spells you weave with your thoughts and intentions. Your words shape your reality. What new story will you write?
Please reach out to us if you have any questions: our mission is to help you live you best life.
You can email us at shiftingrealitiesrobandjulie@gmail.com
Or if you want to email one of us directly you can do so at julie@juliemaeallison.com or robert@robertperryhealing.com