The Metaphysical Hour with Julia Cannon and Tracie Mahan With Guest, Ann Basili, Level 3 QHHT Practitioner A small bio on Ann Basili: Ann has over 25 years experience as a clinical & therapeutic counsellor. She has worked across many fields including - Mental Health, Crisis & Welfare, Advocacy, Education, Relationships & Family, Suicide prevention, Domestic Violence, Sex Education/ Mentoring, Female Sexuality, Sexual trauma, Research & most recently Spiritual Counsel / Guidance. The Journey has been a diverse & convoluted one, beginning in the not for profit / welfare sector, to the Government medical sector, then into private practice. After re-locating to the country in 2015, Ann established a new private practice Margaret River Counselling & Healing, offering Relationship, intimacy and sex counselling /education. She became a certified Female sexuality educator, as her work was becoming more exclusively focused on women suffering childhood & sexual trauma. She also ran women's sex & intimacy education workshops, helping women reclaim their sexual identity.