Melea, Jack, and Jessica unpack the five remaining portions of the instinctual cycle, picking up from where they left off with sx/sp.
Be sure to view the diagram of the instinctual cycle while you listen!
2:02 - Overview of the terms "waxing" and "waning"
3:04 - sp/so as a singular form maturing into a broader world
6:34 - so/sx as multiplicious procreation
9:10 - How do the waxing stackings show up behaviorally?
12:15 - sx/so as advertisement of remaining fertility
16:15 - Contrasting sx/so with sx/sp
18:37 - so/sp as the mature symbol of its kind
21:05 - sp/sx as decay / death
23:20 - Contrasting sp/sx with sp/so
24:55 - Jessica leaving traces for others in the future
27:06 - How our dominant instinct feels life/death to our psyche
28:45 - GIFs for the sexual instinct as secondary vs. dominant
30:20 - Melea measuring her energy by meaningful interactions
32:05 - Jessica thinks a lot about food
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