Title: S2EP53, Finding the Strength to Power Through and Live Fully in This Life She Didn't Choose with Becky Galli I can not stop crying. I am so moved by my conversation with Becky Galli. "Some would say life has not been kind to me," she says in the introduction of her second book, "morning fuel." At age 20, I lost my seventeen year old brother. Two of my four children had special needs. One of my two sons died at age fifteen. And at 38, nine days after my divorce was finalized, I was paralyzed by transverse myelitis, a rare inflammation of the spinal cord that affects one in a million.” How does Becky go on? I wonder about that myself. But after reading her first book, "rethinking possible," I can see where she gets her strength. Her family, her upbringing, her friends, her spirituality, her faith, her journalling and her therapy. Becky will inspire all of us to live life to the fullest, no matter what circumstances we have. Becky has so many life lessons that she shares with all of us through her column, "From Where I Sit," her books, her Thoughtful Thursdays, and our conversation. Becky wants us all to "Let Our Love Be Larger." You can find Becky's resources at BeckyGalli.com Subscribe and be a part of her email list and let's all live life more fully. Her handle is @chairwriter Note to listeners: For some reason there was an echo when I talked in the second half. I don’t know why. But it’s there. My apologies ahead of time. #wheelchair #BeckyGalli #chairwriter #paraplegic #transversemyelitis #specialneeds #deathofabrother #deathofachild #pastor #writer #author #acceptance #hardlife #resources #support #inspiration #miscarriage #pastorchildren #rethinkingpossible #morningfuel #thegettingrealwithhilaryshow #paralysis #morninginspiration