The first week of advent is about hope. The deep hope that no matter what many, many years ago God brought us Jesus. Are we living with this hope? We have control over whether we live in hope or not. The Israelites were told by Moses that they have a choice in Deuteronomy 30:15-20. Read these amazing verses! Will they chose life and love God and obey Him? Or choice death? We that choice too. Will we live with hope and light or choice darkness? God tells us how, we cling to Him! We can not do it ourselves. In Luke 10 in the story of Jesus visits Martha and Mary, Mary knew the answer. She knew she needed to focus on Jesus, be in awe of Him at His feet. This holiday season and every day let's focus on the one thing- Jesus. Even with the chaos around us, let's be in the best place of all at His feet.
The book I referenced is Attachments- why you think feel and act the way you do. By Tim Clinton and Gary Sibcy