Exploring how sun and soil, time and place effect the varieties our sexual expression. From electrically charged sex toys to sex inspired by farm animals, despite all of our regional and ethnic differences, we all have that same universal urge to merge.
Our readings are from "The Good Parts, The Best Erotic Writing In Modern Fiction", an anthology of erotic writings edited by J.H. Blair. This is a collection of short stories and excerpts from most acclaimed and awarded, the very best American literary authors of the last half of the 20th century.
The first story in this episode is "The Ring Of Brightest Angels Around Heaven", a story that requires an electrostim cockring and buttplug to be told. Written by Rick Moody from Brooklyn New York, who is extensively published with a series of novels. This is the title story from his short story collection.
Our second story is about sexuality informed by midwestern American farm life and occasionally inspired by farm animals. Our reading is an excerpt from the Pulitzer prize winning novel "A Thousand Acres" written by Jane Smiley from Ames Iowa.
Dozens of stories from America's finest literary minds, each one exquisitely individual from all the others, and yet every one trying to feed and fulfill the erotic urge that wells up in every one of us.
Every warm blooded human
wants to find their way to the glories of sex
in every city, town, and village on the planet
humans passionately press themselves together
to try to make sex
men and women feverishly rub themselves together
to try to make sparks
deep in the night
under the cover of darkness
in the broad daylight
backed up deep into a shady turnoff
out along some old country road
as long as women know what they want
as long as men know where to go
we will stoke the fires of human sexuality
in our multitude of ways
in every space and place
men and women will live out
the urge to merge
Using the word poetry very loosely.