Welcome back to Temporary Title Podcast. The podcast where we dive deep into the triumphs and challenges of Christian manhood. In episode 5, we talk about navigating our spiritual journey which requires humility and grace. When the holy spirit convicts us it calls us to shift how we lead our families, steering clear of legalism and self righteousness. Living a life that honors God means embracing His love. Additionally understanding the complexities of suicide and spiritual warfare is crucial in supporting those in need and recognizing the battles we face.
Proverbs 27:17 out of the new living translation says "as iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend. Let's get into it...
Thank you @SundayCoolTees for the incredible shirts!! We love them!!!
Adam is referencing Colossians 2:16 which says "Therefore let no one pass judgment on you in questions of food and drink, or with regard to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath"
We would love your feedback so feel free to reach out on one of our socials!
TikTok - @temporarytitlepodcast
Instagram - @temporarytitlepodcast
X- @temptitlepod
We offer all our content for free but if you feel called to donate to help this ministry, you can do this via Venmo @TemporaryTitlePodcast.
The number for the Suicide Hotline that can be reached via phone call or text 24/7/365 is 988.
Thank you to @perfectgamer27 for the laughing clip!
If you'd like a copy of Adam's book, you can find it here!
Adam Palmer operates a nonprofit called Operation223. If you'd like more information, you can visit www.Operation223.org.
Podcast theme music by Transistor.fm. Learn how to start a podcast here (https://transistor.fm/?via=music).