This episode of the Podcast is a conversation with Tristan Guttridge a biologist with a passion for sharks, in fact he describes himself as a shark fanatic. With a PhD in Behavioural Ecology, based on research he undertook at the Shark Lab in Bimini, Bahamas, Tristan has many strings to his bow as he advocates for greater understanding and protection of sharks. In addition to continued shark research, Tristan has become a well-known presenter on Discovery Channels, and I worked with him in March 2021 for a programme for Discovery Shark Week 2021. With his wife, Annie, Tristan has also founded a non-profit called Save the Blue, which enables volunteers to learn more about shark research aswell as providing education programmes for schoolchildren in the Bahamas. Much of his work is based in the waters around Andros Island in the Bahamas, a uniquely pristine barrier reef environment with a trench of very deep water, the Tongue of the Ocean, directly alongside and a huge area of protected marine reserve. We had a very intense shoot schedule, including multiple night shoots and dives, but we were able to have a conversation on the final day while we were packing to leave. It was a really fantastic experience to do an interview live and face-to-face for the first time. I learnt a lot about sharks and Tristan’s enthusiasm is infectious.