
  • Selflessness and Ego.

    Your life's purpose might not be about saving the world in the eyes of the masses, but in being the best version of yourself for those around you. Your purpose does not have to be defined by its visibility or scale.

    Topics discussed:

    • Ego vs. Spirit: Distinguishing Between Thoughts.
    • The Role of Spirit Guides and Free Will.
    • The Influence of Upbringing and Societal Expectations.
    • Helping Others: Selflessness and Ego.
    • Making Friends with the Ego.
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    32 分
  • Drive vs. Inspiration

    In our exploration of life's purpose, we've ventured through the thickets of confusion and the spectacles of inspiration. There isn't a magic bullet that unravels the complexities of your existential queries. Find a compass to guide you through the unique landscape of your own purpose. Remember, the quest for purpose is not about chasing a grand, singular destiny that society stamps with approval. It’s about recognizing the extraordinary in the ordinary, embracing the seemingly small tasks that ripple out into the world in profound ways.

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    23 分
  • Who is Judgy McJudgerton ?

    More often than not, people actually know their purpose, but they won’t allow themselves to have it or embody it. They judge themselves out of their purpose, talking themselves out of what they really want because it is “unrealistic.” We have heard some pretty creative “reasons” as to why someone won’t accept their purpose.

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    21 分
  • Your Purpose & Gifts

    More often than not, people believe their purpose needs to be some singular grandiose thing with worldwide epic impact. Like soul mates, people believe you should only have one purpose. There is one soul mate and one purpose in the entire universe just for you, and that’s it, and it never changes. That’s a limiting and disempowering story.

    Everyone has unique, magical gifts. Once a purpose is found, it naturally leads to the desire to know the how - the tools. You can have gifts that don’t directly correlate with what you feel is your purpose.

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  • Polymaths and Being Nobody.

    There is so much angst around purpose - not knowing what it is, not doing it “right”(whatever that means), and judgments upon judgments heaped onto one’s life’s purpose. This question is central in spiritual communities, social media, and the self-help universe. It shows up in different forms and flavours, but all roads feel like they lead to the question - “What’s my life purpose?” Compulsively seeking out and working with people who can help you find your purpose is a surefire way to feel demoralised, impotent, confused, and at the end of the day, not find your purpose.

    We discuss things you may want to look for in your quest for purpose and some things you can do to help you on your personal journey of purpose.

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    27 分
  • Comparison and Trials with Errors.

    Comparison is not only the thief of joy but will also effectively will stall any progress you are making. Comparison is toxic and our culture sells it to us with social media and celebrities. On this one, we urge you to get out of the comparison trap.

    The time you spend trying this is well-spent because you can learn valuable lessons. You may think you have reached a dead end, which may be true for you within the arc of that particular part of your journey. It does not mean your time was wasted. Now you know what does not work for you. It’s all valuable information. Everything has a purpose.

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    28 分
  • There is no finish line.

    This isn’t a race. As a modern person, the day will not come when you wake up and say, “I am healed from everything I have ever gone through in this life.” Perhaps some monastics who live in caves can say this, but they are the exception. You can certainly get to a place where the emotional or psychological charge you feel from a trigger is decreased significantly or no longer there entirely. The pain can be so distant that you may even forget it exists. It’s a magical place to be, but that takes work and time. But you’ll never come to a place where you are all completely healed - 100% from everything.

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  • Multilayered Healing : Go Slow to Be Quick

    True healing is not linear. Just like grief, there is not a natural progression when it comes to healing. You may return to old patterns and ways of thinking from time to time. There will be times when you aren’t making any progress, and then something shifts very quickly. It will look like you’ve ruined your healing journey or are not doing anything. You have not “ruined” your healing because you weren’t perfect at it.

    You are a multidimensional being with many facets, and so is your healing. At times, things that seem unrelated are completely intertwined. Looking at what activates your emotions can be a clue. Because healing is layered, moving through those layers takes time.

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