For many college graduates, paying off student loans is an experience that often takes longer than the college education itself. In the midst of a pandemic that is threatening human lives, while devouring paychecks, savings, stock portfolios and retirement plans, paying off those loans can be particularly challenging. Denise Dias, a family and consumer sciences agent with K-State Research and Extension's Johnson County office, shares news for college loan borrowers, regarding special arrangements that are being offered during the COVID-19 pandemic. She also has some ideas and strategies for addressing student loan debt, whether you're taking a break between semesters, working on a graduate degree, or have just a few payments left.
Guests for this episode:
- Denise Dias is the family and consumer sciences agent in K-State Research and Extension’s Johnson County office.
Links to Resources:
- StudentAid.gov — official page for all aspects of student aid, including grants, loans, repayment plans and more. An office of the U.S. Department of Education
- K-State Research and Extension homepage
- K-State Research and Extension COVID-19 Resources page
- Contact information for local K-State Research and Extension offices
The Extension Files is a product of K-State Research and Extension, which is Kansas State University’s outreach and education system. We have an office in every one of Kansas’ 105 counties.
The goal for K-State Research and Extension is to be everyday Kansans’ trusted source for relevant, unbiased research and information to help people, businesses and communities solve problems, develop skills and build a better future.
In Kansas, extension agents’ expertise and deep network of connections cover a wide array of topics:
- food (from livestock and crop production to preparation and preservation)
- families and community
- 4-H youth development
- finances
- health in all stages of life
- gardening
- landscaping
- … and much more
Check out the K-State Research and Extension website to learn more. The quickest way to find us on Facebook and Twitter is to search for #KSRE.
To provide feedback about this podcast, email us at ksrenews@ksu.edu.