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Should we, as citizens, make reservations?
And if so, should we be offered a little grace with respect for punctuality?
Also, panthers aren't animals.
Our guest, Ben Mesmer, brings an intriguing case file that promises to tickle your sleuthing fancy and leaves us pondering the depths of dining etiquette.
From sharing stories about Michelin-starred adventures to debating the merits of spontaneity versus planning in restaurant reservations, we explore the vibrant world of fine dining.What about the absurdity of technology in customer service, conjuring images of buzzing trays and square vibrators. As always, there's a heartfelt appreciation for the human touch in hospitality. We weigh the charms of old-fashioned communication against the sterile efficiency of gadgets.
Hosted by Graham Cameron and Neil Zumwalde
insta: @premeditatedpod