In this episode, you’ll learn about smoldering multiple myeloma, a condition that precedes multiple myeloma. This podcast describes how smoldering myeloma is diagnosed, how it differs from active myeloma, and how it’s usually managed. You’ll also hear from two patients, who talk about their experience with this disease.
This episode is supported by AbbVie, Amgen, CURE, Genentech, GSK, Johnson & Johnson, Karyopharm, Legend Biotech, Pfizer, Regeneron, and Sanofi.
(0) Introduction to smoldering myeloma
(7:00) Learning the diagnosis
(8:49) The importance of finding a myeloma specialist
(17:22) The psychological burden of a smoldering myeloma diagnosis
(29:06) Patient navigators and other helpful resources
(33:15) Watchful waiting and helpful resources
(47:58) Lifestyle changes
(51:11) Caregivers
To learn more about smoldering myeloma, download the Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined Significance and Smoldering Multiple Myeloma: Multiple Myeloma Precursor Conditions booklet here.
To learn more about multiple myeloma, visit www.themmrf.org.
If you want to learn more about the MMRF’s FREE resources for patients and caregivers, visit the MMRF Education Hub.
If you have additional questions, call our MMRF Patient Navigation Center at 1-888-841- 6673.