The buzz: Paradox? Despite studies showing a positive correlation between diversity and innovation, the Silicon Valley 'cradle of tech innovation' is dominated by a 'brogrammer' culture where 20-something 'white guys work in a testosterone-fueled environment to create the next tech revolution,' says SAP's Janaki Kumar. This sends a contradictory message to leaders that diversity, while good in theory, is not worth investing in. Learn why diversity by design is worth building and nurturing in your organization – and how to achieve it. The experts speak. Janaki Kumar, SAP: 'Diversity is the art of thinking independently, together' Malcolm Forbes. Emi Kolawole, Stanford d.school: '…We suffer more often in imagination than in reality' Seneca. Brandon Schauer, Adaptive Path: 'When people say that diversity is important, I like to say instead, ‘No, it isn’t important. It’s essential to increase the quality of discourse' John Maeda. Join us for Smart Innovation Diversity by Design.