Welcome back! I hope that everyone had a safe holiday full of joy and excitement. With great pride in our team, I can announce that we have fully automated new user onboarding and are working on role-based assignments for participating in areas of interest. We’re making it really easy for you to find your interests and jump in! Be watching for more information about that. More importantly, tell your friends! Post! Share! Invite others to join! Help the community grow. The link is easy to remember, it’s discord.ajustthis.org and works for existing and new users of Discord.
PLEASE make sure to join the Signal group if you haven’t already. If you’re hearing this and you do not have or use Signal or Discord, stand by while we work on getting our website live where you can subscribe to email updates and find all our social links to stay in touch! We need everyone’s help to promote all these mechanisms of reaching more people and connecting to rally behind the greater cause.
We will soon be launching more detailed and effective recruitment efforts as well as starting to put together policy drafting teams, grassroots volunteer networks, activism support services, and more. Stay tuned for these exciting developments.
Last, take some time today to think about the example you set for others in the way you go about your day. Are you someone who tries to build walls or bridges? Are you someone who tries to see the good and the bad, or just one of the two? Do you stand for something that represents the best of humanity or the worst of it? Are you living your life in a way that your grandchildren will be proud of?