Say it…out loud…LOUNGE LIZARDS! Still coming at you from Cape Cod, Ashlynn and Kate revisit a millennial cult classic (though Ashlynn may disagree), Twilight. What would spooky season be without a vampire movie?
On this episode of Lounge Lizards, we ponder the unnerving red flags of all the key players, reminisce about peak Twilight fandom culture, debate being Team Edward vs. Team Jacob, and discuss Kate’s potential new career path…maybe with a little special guest visit. Hop on, spider monkey!!
Come sit on the couch with us! Video version available on YouTube. If you like what you’re hearing, please show us some love in the form of a rating and a comment! Love ya!!!!
Follow Ashlynn on IG: @ashlynnsalzano
Follow Kate on IG: @kateryan37
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