For 25+ years, I have challenged myself to find the key to healing for each patient and client, the one or two things I can facilitate for instant transformation. I want to share what I have learned over the last 25 years so you can heal yourself. If you are a healer, you can use it to for healing the people in your practice. For all of the wonders of modern medicine, there are still many who are unsatisfied with their health because the medical system has not provided complete answers and all-encompassing solutions. Chronic pain, anxiety, depression, and addiction are rampant in our society. The thing that all of these conditions share is a loss of power. We believe the answer lies outside of us, when mythology and symbolism show us that the answer is always within. and empowers us to transform our lives instantly. My background is in treating patients that have not achieved the desired results with traditional interventions. I have delved into deep communication with people’s physical bodies regarding their pain, injury, and disease, trauma, anxiety, and depression. Through observation of the nuances of the human body coupled with complexities of life, I discovered the fastest path to recovery was not always, or even usually though the physical body. Treating the physical body is often important, especially in acute situations. However, the long-term resolution of pain comes though also assessing and treating the mechanics of ancestry, the structure of the soul, and of the collective imprint our cultures and societies. Mythology is integrated into all of the levels of our being. Through treating the physical and energetic manifestation of mythology in your body, you can make quantum leaps in your health and vitality. I am here to show you how to do this, honestly and succinctly. This is the shortest path to your highest potential. ~ Melanie Weller Learn more about your ad choices. Visit