Mychal and Suzanne discuss why a specific "Christmas star" theory is their favorite!
Mentioned in this episode:
Mark Bancroft, who provides: life path reading, ‘year-ahead’ readings, astrology for relationships, career, and health; and, relocation astrology (astrocartography)
Gluhwein, AKA mulled wine
resources for the information discussed:
"The Star of Bethlehem" by Michael R Molnar
"Mystery of the Magi" by Dwight Longnecker
"Misreading Scripture Through Individualists Eyes" by E Randolph Richards and Richard James
"Revelation of the Magi" by Brent Landau
Alphee.com "Life of Jesus Through Astrology"
Star of Bethlehem: An Astronomical and Astrological Analysis by Kepler College, with Christine Arens
The Natal Astrology of the Nativity of Jesus Christ by Lot-of-Archer.medium.com
The Thinking Believer
The New Testament (new translation) David Bentley Hart
Please enjoy alcohol responsibly! (And also the holidays!)