Today Jonathan speaks with Sabrina Gerhardt, who lost her younger cousin Matthew Reyburn under suspicious circumstances in 2019. Though a suspect turned himself in and confessed to the crime, that confession was later retracted, and questions still swirl around the motives and resolution of this tragic case. During their conversation, Jonathan unearths a possible new focus for the investigation. If you have any information on the death of Matthew Reyburn, please contact the Benton County Missouri Sherrif’s Department, or call detective Brandon Parker directly at (816) 6220-800. And remember, if you want to connect with Jonathan and possibly be a part of the podcast, follow @jonathanmarkmedium on Instagram and send him a DM, or drop us an email via connectjonathanmark@gmail.com. This is a Redd Rock Music Podcast IG: @reddrockmusic www.reddrockmusic.com