
  • What is Zionism, and is it antisemitic to be anti-Israel? - 【SBS Examines】甚麼是猶太復國主義?反以色列是否等於反猶太主義?
    Reports of anti-Jewish incidents in Australia are on the rise. But there's disagreement on where to draw the line between antisemitism and anti-Zionism. - 在澳洲,反猶太人事件的報道正在上升。但對於如何劃分反猶太主義(Antisemitism)及反猶太復國主義(Anti-Zionism)之間的界線,依然存在分歧。
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  • Is antisemitism in Australia changing? - 【SBS Examines】在澳洲的反猶太主義正在改變嗎?
    Antisemitism is nothing new. But experts say the kinds of anti-Jewish incidents and attacks we're seeing now have never happened before in Australia. - 反猶太主義並不是甚麼新的意識型態。但專家表示,我們現在所看到的反猶太人事件與襲擊,以前在澳洲是從未發生過。
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  • Are Australian workplaces safe for migrant women? - 【SBS Examines】澳洲的工作環境對移民女性而言安全嗎?
    New research has highlighted the high rates of workplace sexual harassment and assault experienced by migrant women. Experts say there are many reasons why this type of abuse often goes unreported. - 新的研究顯示,移民女性遭遇職場性騷擾及性侵犯的比例很高。專家表示,有很多原因導致她們在面對性騷擾時選擇不舉報。
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  • This community faces unemployment like no other - 【SBS Examines】面臨十分嚴重失業問題的社群
    The unemployment rate for the Dinka community in Australia is almost double the national average. - 澳洲說丁卡語言的社群的失業率幾乎是全國平均的兩倍。
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  • Migrants aren't being hired in the jobs they're qualified for. It's costing Australia billions - 【SBS Examines】專業移民難操故業令澳洲浪費人材
    Australia is facing a skills shortage. So why are migrants struggling to find work in line with their education and experience? - 澳洲正在面臨技術短缺,但為何具備教育背景和經驗資質的技術移民卻難以找到老本行工作?
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  • SBS Examines: In Conversation with the Governor-General - 【SBS Examines】與澳洲總督討論君主制及社會凝聚力
    Australia's Governor-General is hopeful about Australia's future, despite conflict and difficulty dominating headlines. - 儘管研究顯示澳洲的社會凝聚力正在處於壓力中,時不時有衝突成為頭條新聞,但總督仍對澳洲的未來充滿希望。
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  • Rumours, Racism and the Referendum - 【SBS Examines】謠言、種族主義與「原住民國會之聲」入憲公投
    Misinformation and disinformation were rife during the referendum. The effects are still being felt a year on. - 錯誤及虛假訊息在「原住民國會之聲」入憲公投期間廣泛流傳。即使一年已過去,但大家仍能感受到其影響。
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  • Living in limbo - 【SBS Examines】生活在「不確定狀態」下的一群尋求庇護者
    Thousands of asylum seekers are still caught up in the government's now-abolished fast-track visa system, most have waited over a decade for permanency. - 成千名尋求庇護者仍被困於政府現已廢止的「快速審理簽證」計劃中,大多數人為了永久居留權已等待了十多年。
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