One Christmas night, in the little town of Bedford Falls, a man named George Bailey contemplates throwing away God's greatest gift...but through the prayers of those who love him dearest, George learns that he truly lived a wonderful life. In the meantime, the angel Clarence earns a pair of wings.
This Christmas, Sophie and Raymond discuss one of the most beloved Christmas classics of all time, Frank Capra's It's a Wonderful Life. What makes George Bailey's life wonderful? How do we convince those who are despondent (including ourselves) that life is truly worth living? How is It's a Wonderful Life like the book of Job? Is the idea of angels "earning wings" in Heaven theologically accurate? The answers the Unreliable Narrators come up with may not be what you were expecting, but who said we were reliable?
Stay tuned for our next episode, where we talk about William Golding's 1954 novel Lord of the Flies.
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Theme music is "New Moon" by Caleb Klomparens. Check out his music athttps://soundcloud.com/kappamuse
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