Life on the land is often picturesque - picture worthy even. So, when a former visual arts teacher moves to a farm in beautiful Mudgee in NSW, you can imagine there would be a fair bit of creativity going on. It started with a few pictures on greetings cards for the local markets. Now, her artwork has gained a loyal following of art lovers around the nation. Rachael Flynn of Red Tractor Designs joins me now to discuss:
- Rachael lives on a gorgeous property in Mudgee New South Wales, and shares her greatest inspiration.
- As a visual arts teacher, Racheal has a creative side which she has used to start imitating rural life with her art.
- In the beginning, Rachael focused on typical farming scenes like wheat harvest, shearing and mustering.
- The evolution from landscape artwork and maps, to farm animal based character artwork.
- The range of products Rachael offers for anyone who’d like to own a little piece of life on the land for themselves.
- Rachael’s most recent major production line has been in affiliation with Nepal to sponsor local disadvantaged women.
- They type of clientele who are buying these products and how this has shifted over the years.
- Rachael’s favourite aspect of country life to paint and design.
- The most unexpected thing to happen since starting the business.
- Rachael’s ultimate dream for the future for Red Tractor Designs
We hope to see you back on the road soon, to learn more about how Australia grows on the next episode of Australian Farmers with Angie Asimus.
Angie Asimus
Connect with @angieasimus on Instagram
Partnered with Australian Farmers
Follow @australianfarmers on Instagram
Red Tractor Designs Artwork by Rachael Flynn
Follow @redtractordesigns on Instagram
Produced by Pretty Podcasts