Archie is one of my closest mates. You may ask why he has been chosen as a guest for this episode. Firstly he's a great laugh and full of surprises and secondly I wanted to take the chat about the support network alot further. Someone going through an accident or illness/injury usually will rely on one thing. That one thing being the support network. Archie was a big part of my support network during my whole recovery do it was great to openly chat about the challenges people may not realise you have to face as a family member or friend. From keeping the motivation up to dealing with the challenges that may occur its hard to some up into words really.
Archie is also very keen tennis player. Studying and training at a high level at Ozarks University in the US. While studying finance on the side. It really is an honour to call this man one of my best mates so tune in for what's going to be an interesting episode.
Archie MS socials @archiems
Henry Carpenter socials @henrycarpenter2
DOTFP Socials @downonthefarmpodcast