The first movie of our premier season is Ganja & Hess.
- 1973
- Runtime: 113 mins
- Written and Directed by Bill Gun
- Key Cast
- Duane Jones (Night of the Living Dead)
- Marlene Clark (Enter the Dragon, Switchblade Sisters)
- Synopsis: After being stabbed with an ancient, germ-infested knife, a doctor finds himself with an insatiable desire for blood.
Ron starts the show by sharing, as he describes, why he put us through the agony of watching this movie (03:16). This segment includes original music from B Wil, inspired by the haunting and thrilling tale.
"If you care about black cinema, for better or worse, you should check out this. That's why I picked it," Ron says. He then gets an overall take on the movies from the other hosts (5:03) before the cast digs deep to try to find things they liked about the movie (14:14). Lee follows by getting into an incredible bag with his Fake Critic hat on (16:54), delivering poignant analysis of the film's themes.
The team goes on to jump around to various elements of the film (20:54), from shot choices, to themes, and more. They also attempt to unravel a collection of confusing bits. To conclude, Ron wraps up this wild ride of a conversation (45:53) and asks if 1) B Wil and Charles Jr gained anything from watching Ganja & Hess and 2) if they would ever revisit the movie.
Season 1 Movies
- Ganja & Hess - Selected by Ron
- In Bruge - Selected by Charles Jr
- Children of Men - Selected by Ron
- Hereditary - Selected by B Wil
- The Terrorizers - Selected by Charles Jr
- Mishima: Life in Four Chapters - Selected by Lee
- Interstellar - Selected by B Wil
- Raw - Selected by Lee
Intro and Show Music by - B Wil
Original Song inspired by Ganja & Hess by - B Wil