Today is Quitters Day. It's one of those silly holidays that no government recognizes. It falls annually on the second Friday of January. The day ties into our New Year's resolutions. Research says that most people give up on their resolutions within the year's first two weeks. In fact, the research shows that two-thirds of us have already given up on them. It's not a day that's poking fun at people, it's about reminding everyone that it's not too late to try again and tackle that desire. Have you given up already? Perhaps today is the day to get back on track... Click Here To Subscribe Apple PodcastsSpotifyAmazon MusicGoogle PodcastsTuneIniHeartRadioPandoraDeezerBlubrryBullhornCastBoxCastrofyyd.deGaanaiVooxListen NotesmyTuner RadioOvercastOwlTailPlayer.fmPocketCastsPodbayPodbeanPodcast AddictPodcast IndexPodcast RepublicPodchaserPodfanPodtailRadio PublicRadio.comReason.fmRSSRadioVurblWe.foYandex jQuery(document).ready(function($) { 'use strict'; $('#podcast-subscribe-button-13292 .podcast-subscribe-button.modal-678117562085b').on("click", function() { $("#secondline-psb-subs-modal.modal-678117562085b.modal.secondline-modal-678117562085b").modal({ fadeDuration: 250, closeText: '', }); return false; }); });