Today on the show, I’m finishing off the series on K9 search and rescue with a conversation with an incredible expert in the field. Ann Wichmann’s journey has been ground-breaking. She has created and continues to shape a legacy that has benefited countless others in the US and beyond. And yet, despite her remarkable background, years of teaching and mentoring, and technical know-how, I experienced Ann as a deeply intuitive philosopher as she shared some of the experiences she has had with the animals in her life. It is such a privilege to be able to bring her voice to you.
Learn more about Ann Wichmann and the work she is doing at Jenner’s Run
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Beastie Bonds Theme:
King James by Ghost Beatz, Podcastle.ai Royalty-free Library
Other Episode Music:
This is Love by Alsever Lake, Podcastle.ai Royalty-free Library
Her Majesty by Moments, Podcastle.ai Royalty-free Library
Slowly Comin Around by Heartland Nights, Podcastle.ai Royalty-free Library
Tibet by SergeQuadrado, Pixabay.com