Podcast Description
Shalom, and welcome to another episode of Messianic Moments, where we explore the depths of Scripture, rabbinic literature, the teachings of Messiah Yeshua and His Talmidim, and how you and I can apply these lessons in our lives today.
Today’s episode we are diving into this week’s Torah Portion titled, Toldot. In this particular verse we find an interesting passage about prayer. Come explore the 4 levels of Jewish hermeneutics, known as PaRDeS, and the connections this passage has with the teachings of the Brit Chadasha.
As always, thank you for your support in listening to these episodes. I pray that they edify you and invite you to grow deeper in your faith in Messiah Yeshua, or if you don’t yet believe in Yeshua, that it invites you to reflect on His teachings and how impactful that truly are.