Charles J Read is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), U.S Tax Court Practitioner ( USTCP), member of the Internal Revenue Service Advisory Council (IRSAC), and the Founder of GetPayroll. In addition to his executive career, Charles is a decorated United States Marine Corps sergeant, a combat veteran of the Vietnam War. While in service, he was trained by IBM as a computer programmer and later a systems engineer. Charles is an accomplished senior executive and entrepreneur with more than fifty years of financial leadership experience in a broad range of industries and the author of four books. His latest book The Payroll Book: A Guide For Small Businesses and Startups is currently #25 in Small Business Books section on Amazon. You can view his previous media appearances here: https://getpayroll.com/payroll-processing/getpayroll/charles-read/ My Firebase: solo.to/wm2podcast