How many of you out there know a man who has suffered from domestic violence or abuse from their partner? Did they manage to escape the situation? Did they ever recover from it? Or are they still suffering directly or indirectly? Unfortunately, I know a few abused men, one of which is my best friend. I'm here to tell you a bit about his story and how he is today, 15 years after escaping the abuse from his ex-wife.
* If you know an abused man, currently suffering or a past victim, and you want their story out there, feel free to email me a viaamanda2010@gmail.com - I know I said otherwise in the actual recording, but please don't have real names in order to protect their privacy and avoid potential slander. Use nicknames for them and others in the story, including the abuser. I'll pick a few stories for my next podcasts to read out loud. I might edit portions for a smoother reading of it aloud, depending on how you type and grammatical or spelling errors if there are any.