This podcast discusses the importance of fathers in society. Every aspect of the 7 mountains of influence is impacted by either the presence or absence of fathers. Our nation has been out of order. The principal social illness in our society is fatherlessness.
Come listen to Papa Tom share thoughts about fatherlessness and how we became fatherless. What did evil do to take fathers out of the mountains of influence? How is God now moving to reinstate fathers back into the fabric of society here in America.
What was the negative impact of the feminist movement on fathers. Fatherlessness is a curse. Yet, God is moving to change that condition. God is moving by changing lives from our prisons to the White House. He has changed the trajectory of our nation since our last election. God chose Donald Trump to be a Father to America.
It is in God the Father's Heart to bless his people. Natural fathers are a gift to society and culture. Fathers bring order into the social fabric that keeps society together. While lawlessness divides and destroys, true fathers bring law and order, as such true fathers are a phenomenon.
This podcast brings good news! God is moving. He is bringing our fathers back! Stay tuned and be encouraged!
Papa Tom