This episode discuses pain and living with pain as a result of living with Cerebral Palsy. Pain is an everyday fact of life and that is even more so when it comes to people with disabilities like Cerebral Palsy. Pain sucks and is annoying but managing the pain is key to living a full and happy life with Cerebral Palsy
Referenced Article: Cerebral Palsy and Pain (https://www.cerebralpalsyguidance.com/cerebral-palsy/associated-disorders/pain/)
Referenced Article: Pain Management (https://www.cerebralpalsy.org/information/pain-management)
Referenced Article: Cerebral Palsy and Pain (https://www.cerebralpalsyguidance.com/cerebral-palsy/associated-disorders/pain/)
Referenced Article: Pain Management (https://www.cerebralpalsy.org/information/pain-management)