Áso ná jáo ná kabhu
Chile ácho thákibe tumi
Vidhrta tomár mane
Liilár rase bhará saptabhúmi
Kot́i varśa áge járá chilo
Tomár asiime ájo áche
Tárá thákiyá gelo
Kot́i varśa pare ásibe járá
Vinaśt́a kakhano habe ná tárá
Sabáre sauṋge niye hásicho tumi
Táito ámi tava carańe cúmi
Kot́i álokavarśa dúre járá
Táráo kakhano hay ná hárá
Tárá hay ni hárá
Sure tále gáne náce
Tárá áche tava májhe
Bhálobese beṋdhe rekhecho tumi
Táito ámi tava carańe nami
You never come, You never leave;
You were, You are, You will remain.
Held in Your mind securely,
Seven worlds are filled with joyous cosmic play.
A billion years ago, those who lived—
In Your eternity, even now they still exist;
They have lingered on.
A billion years ahead, those who will arrive—
They will never perish.
Enthralling everybody, You are smiling;
That is why I kiss Your feet.
A billion light-years hence, those afar—
Even they are never lost;
No, they are never lost.
With tuneful notes and beat, song and dance,
They reside inside of Thee.
You've rescued them, binding with love;
That is why I bow down at Your feet.