Welcome to the New Era Sens Podcast! In this episode, we are joined by Jason Gregor! Tune in to hear about the upcoming games against Edmonton, some aorund the league updates, and of course, all of the latest on our team!
New Era Sens is a weekly podcast focused on the Ottawa Senators!
The New Era Sens Podcast is affiliated with http://www.newerasens.com/
Follow our Twitter @NewEraSensPOD and @NewEraSens
Meet Our Cast! Their Twitter Handles will follow!
Host: Nick Dumoulin (@Dumoulin_Nick)
Co-Host: Noah Turgeon (@SensNoahAll)
Producer: Jacob Lariviere(@JacobLarivire)
Producer: Jacob Billington (@JacobBillingt10)
Intro and Outro Credit:
Highway Saints:
SPOTIFY: https://spoti.fi/35hllN0
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Highway-Saints-193287087768/
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcUfJ0YH66-3K2pnsrhlYNg